Clinic for
pediatry, allergology and
clinical immunology

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vel libero nisl. Fusce aliquam vulputate magna. Phasellus congue dolor at bibendum sollicitudin. Nam vitae ante vel dolor malesuada pellentesque. Nunc eu eros felis. Pellentesque ut metus fringilla, tristique tellus ac, pellentesque nunc. Sed sodales, sem in egestas tristique, lacus ligula dignissim lacus, id pharetra metus augue eu justo. Nunc at malesuada libero.

Contact us and make an appointment

Request your appointment for a clinical examination, diagnosis and consultation via our online form or order the desired treatment with high hygiene measures and safety protocols. Our staff will contact you on weekdays within 24 hours by phone or e-mail.
Make an appointment


Kaptol 25, Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 4819 504
Mob: +385 99 341 6866

Working hours
Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 4 PM